
New Child Benefit Calculations Starting July 20

The new Canada Child Benefit replaces the UCCB, NCB and CCTB, and gears the payment more on family income, benefitting a majority of canadian families Liberals say. Read more at the, or use the Canada Revenue Agency's calculator to determine your benefit.

Click to know more about the new Canada Child Benefit on the Government of Canada ESDC website.

Changes to the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit

Starting April 24, 2015 the Ontario government reduced the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit to $5,000 per year from $10,000 per year, and the period of eligibility from four years to three years. The credit is available to businesses that pay Ontario income tax, permanently reside in Ontario, and employ and/or provide training for apprentices in skilled trades.

For more information see the Ontario Ministry of Finance website.